I Need Some New Best Friends

Even though I attend hundreds of concerts a year (not exaggerating), it is very rare that I go alone. I can almost always find someone else to go with, or know of other people already going.

That being said, there are 2 concerts I am going to on Friday that no one will go to with me! You read that right. I am going to 2 concerts on Friday.

The first show of the night is Every Avenue. They are a band that I discovered through Rdio.com actually. I was listening to some band radio station and their song came on. I was instantly hooked, and have been obsessed ever since. I mean, I have listened to them so much I am a little scared to go look at Last.fm to see the total count.

I love this song, and video. I mean, just look at Dave. How could you NOT want to go see him perform? (and that voice *swoon*)

Ok, so the songs are a little poppy, but I love it.

They are playing at the Marquis with 4 other bands. Doors are at 6, and I think they go on around 10 (total guess here). Not your kind of music? That’s ok, the next artist is much different.

I first saw Wallpaper. open for Awolnation at Summit Music Hall and was impressed! This song/video doesn’t do their live performance justice, but it is worth a listen/watch:

Plus the theme of the song inspired the title of this song. Wallpaper. is playing at Larimer Lounge and I am *hoping* they go on after 11 so I can make it over after Every Avenue.

So there you have it. Two great concerts, one night. So who wants to be my best friend?

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