Hometown for the Holidays 2011 Top 12 Bands!

Well I didn’t do too bad with my picks for Hometown this year! Here are the Top 12:

The Heyday
My Body Sings Electric
Beats Noir
Monroe Monroe
Reno Divorce
Fierce Bad Rabbit
The Photo Atlas
In The Whale

Hear Alf read all the winners here:

Yes, Kaila and I were a bit excited about who got in.

Now, DO NOT forget to sign up for the surveys! You have until Friday at 5:00 PM.

Who do you think will make it into the top 3?

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  1. Definitely not MBSE. Those guys are way too good looking.

  1. Hometown For The Holidays 2012 | Monika's Blog
  2. Churchill Performing on Jimmy Kimmel Live 2/26 | indiebitches

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