Started in 2004, the ninth annual Tellerpalooza is nearing! Tellerpalooza is one of Denver’s biggest elementary school fundraisers, if you were wondering what Teller was and why this is such a palooza, we’re here to explain it to you. On Saturday, May 5th, at The Mercury Cafe, Teller Elementary will be holding it’s biggest event of the year to help raise money with the help of Denver local bands, a bake sale, and the very popular “Wall of Wine” where you have the chance to earn a box of assorted favorites from Teller parents. This year features the likes of some of our favorite Denver musicians including Bop Skizzum, Jaden Carlson, My Body Sings Electric, Popcult, and Nautical Mile. Come and celebrate local music with us while helping out a great cause! Both Monika and I plan on being there to support Teller Elementary as well as our beloved local musicians. We’re pretty excited to get to experience the Denver music scene in a different light while at the same time helping to contribute to such a great cause: the education of our future generations. Make sure that you join us if you’re wanting to have one of the best times of your life, this is an event that isn’t going to want to be missed, after all, it’s for the children!
Buy your tickets here!
Check out all the in-depth details at their website at
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Facebook: Tellerpalooza 2012