Lovedrug + Take to the Oars + Post Paradise = Amazing Denver Night

On Tuesday, May 1, two of our local favorites will be opening for Lovedrug at the Hi-Dive in Denver. This is definitely a show you don’t want to miss.

We have blogged about Take to the Oars many, many times before, but we still can’t get enough of them! Can you blame us? Take a look at their video for Bar Talk:

But also opening for Lovedrug is Post Paradise, Monika’s current band crush.

How could you not love a cello rock band? Listen to this and tell me you don’t love it:

Then there is the headliner, Lovedrug. They remind me of Manchester Orchestra with a little Mute Math mixed in. I am really looking forward to seeing these guys, I hope they sound as good live as they do on their album.

I love how they came up with the name, too. Lead singer, Michael Shepard, left music originally to go to film school, but his first love of music dragged him back. According to him, the term Lovedrug is a verb, not an aphrodisiac.

Tickets are only $10, how could you pass up this show? Be sure to get there early so you don’t miss Post Paradise!

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